Foreign keys

Databases establish relationships between entities via foreign keys. Orbitype can resolve these reference and make it easy to add, change and analyze relationships.

Referencing another entry

Columns ending with the suffix _id are automatically assumed to hold foreign keys. This means that Orbitype will see a column name like post_id and correctly deduce that its value is the id of a referenced entry in the posts table. The editor will show a preview of the linked row and open a selection dialog when you click on the key icon.

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Referencing multiple other entries

If you wish to reference more than one other entry, simply store an array of foreign keys instead. If, for example, a post has a column named tag_ids, Orbitype will automatically assume that it holds an array of ids that reference entries from the tags table. The editor will show the currently attached entries and allows you to easy add, remove and reorder the linked items.

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Learn more

SQL wizard

Use the SQL wizard to quickly and easily create database tables. Even without any coding knowledge, you'll be able to create whatever data structure you need.

Cookbook - Sections

Modern webpages are often composed of many different sections.

Things like hero banners, testimonials, FAQs or simple text blocks.

Developers implement these as reusable components with props.

But how do we allow non-technical people to use them in Orbitype?

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