API Authentication

Orbitype exposes a full-featured RESTful API that you can connect to from your

own code. Read, create, update, and delete items with simple HTTP requests.

First steps

To get started, go to your project's settings page and generate a new API key.

Each key is scoped to exactly one connector. Make sure to include it in each

request as a custom


header. Sending an


request to the API

base URL will return the IDs of the project and connector the key is scoped


Authentication Headers

Make sure to include the API key in your requests as a custom header:

X-API-KEY: your-key-here

You can verify your key’s scope by sending an OPTIONS request:

http request OPTIONS https://core.orbitype.com/api X-API-KEY: your-key-here

The response will contain the project and connector IDs:

  "projectId": "your-project-uuid", 
  "connectorId": "your-connector-uuid" 

Learn more


For SQL connectors, the API exposes an endpoint to execute prepared SQL

statements. The HTTP Method conveys intention, but you may pass any valid

combination of sql and bindings.

Cookbook - Sections

Modern webpages are often composed of many different sections.

Things like hero banners, testimonials, FAQs or simple text blocks.

Developers implement these as reusable components with props.

But how do we allow non-technical people to use them in Orbitype?